藝術作品 Artwork 2005 - 2010

War Dance戰舞

In the Chinese language, the characters for War and Dance, although different, are pronounced alike. In the heat of action, the movements of fighter and a dancer may well be ndistinguishable. The vibrant spirit which imbues them both brings them to life in this painting.




Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 100cm x 80cm

Year: 2010

Pearl of the heart 琉璃之心

The glass handicraft of the Paiwan tribe often represents love. I have used elements of this art and combined them with the image of a woman as she appears in the aboriginal musical "Milingan" - both worried and expectant before her impending marriage.

由代表愛情的排灣族琉璃~(孔雀之珠)發想, 與米靈岸劇中的愛情故事相互呼應,表現出女人待嫁的不安與期待。

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 80cm x 60cm

Year: 2010

The Seeds 撒種

The colourful embroidery art of the Paiwan tribe served as the inspiration of this piece. Green represents the dense forest, brown the earth, red the sun, yellow the harvest, and blue is the ocean which surrounds the tribe's homeland of Taiwan. The hands of the artists seem to dance as the threads glide through their fingers. The pearls symbolize the beginning of new life - Mother Earth weaving an eternal pattern.

創作靈感取自排灣族繡珠上的五種美麗顏色, 綠色森林、橘黃大地、火紅太陽、黃色豐收、藍色海洋。 再以舞者曼妙的手部舞姿作為藍圖,用小米隱喻新生命, 勾勒出大地之母創造富饒的景象。

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 80cm x 60cm

Year: 2010

Can't Speak 說不出 !

From 1940s to 1990s Mandarin was promoted as the main language of Taiwan, with restrictions on the use or all other languages enforced in the media, schools and public life. I remember as a child at school, if we were caught speaking our mother tongue rather than Mandarin, we were punished either bya fine or by having to wear a sticker saying that we were unpatriotic and did not love our country enough! With the cultural destruction over several decades, and with none of our young generation now speaking aoriginal languages as their first language, it may be that this aspect of our culture is gone forever.


Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 80cm x 60cm

Year: 2010

Drift wood 飄流木

In the past, again and again we have been chased away from our homeland by irresistible forces - like driftwood, never able to find a place that is stable, always wandering. Now we have decided not to move on any more, because this has always been our land.


Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 80cm x 60cm

Year: 2010

Sun Rise   日出

People say our tribe is like the setting sun - going to disappear slowly behind the landscape very soon. From now on I want to use my hand to show the colour and vibrancy of our culture on my canvasses, so that this may build up our ancestoral awareness again - like the sun rising up with its full original strength and colours - hopefully!



Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 100cm x 80cm

Year: 2010

The Lapis Lazuli Offering  琉璃祭

Of course the best is due to God because we owe our everything to him. The softness and beauty of the purple and lue lapis lazuli shows our thanks. Tonight when the moon is full the priestess makes our offering.


Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 100cm x 80cm

Year: 2010

Focus  認真

Everyone has a seed in their heart. If you focus and work hard to plant it well, it will have a chance to become a big tree.


Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 80cm x 60cm

Year: 2010

Away From The Herd 離群

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 80cm x 60cm

Year: 2010


Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 100cm x 40cm

Year: 2010

Token of Love 定情

In ancient China, when couples fell in love, as part of their courtship, they secretly exchanged gifts to express their promise that their heart belonged to the other. A red handkerchief was the most popular token used to express this love.

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 80cm x 60cm

Year: 2009

The Love of Angels 1 天使之愛 1

Medium: Acrylic on Box Canvas

Size: 50cm x 40cm

Year: 2009

The Love of Angels 2 天使之愛 2

Medium: Acrylic on Box Canvas

Size: 50cm x 40cm

Year: 2009

Shooting the Sun 射日

A famous myth from the Taya tribe in Taiwan tells the story of the shooting down of a sun by their warriors. It is said that a long time ago there were two suns, which shone constantly, one all day and one all night. As they continued to shine on the earth, the plants became dry and people suffered as they could no longer stand the heat. The village decided that they must send three of their strongest warriors to shoot down one of the suns so that life on earth could become more bearable. The wisest of the village instructed that the warriors take three babies with them on their journey, and told them that they must plant orange trees when they had covered almost half the distance they had to travel. The warriors set off, and traveled for many years, planting the orange trees as they had been instructed. However the journey was too far and the warriors gradually grew old and died. The babies by this time had grown into strong young men who took the place of the old warriors, and they managed to finally reach their destination and completed the mission to bring down the second sun with their spears. On the long journey back they could find no water to drink and became weak with thirst, but suddenly they came to a group of orange trees heavy with juicy fruit. With their thirst quenched they were able to continue their journey, and eventually arrived back to their home village to be greeted as heros, for at last the earth enjoyed the right amount of sun, so that plants, animals and people could live comfortably at last.

The image uses a very modern and cold light to highlight the muscled bodies and sharp look in the eyes of these mythical warriors to show the energy and determination to bring down the suns that were destroying their world. A powerful and beautiful artwork.

泰雅族有個英勇的射日傳說~ 太古之初,天上有兩個太陽,日以繼夜的輪流照著大地,使農作物不易生長外,人民更是熱得苦不堪言,於是族人決定派遣三位最強壯的勇士,背帶三位嬰孩去射下另ㄧ個太陽,並在沿途栽種橘子以備認路,由於路途遙遠,三位勇士在半途中就老死了,但嬰孩卻長大,並接棒繼續前進,最後終於抵達終點,將另ㄧ個太陽給射下,完成了使命!回程時,還靠著之前老勇士們栽種結果的橘子充飢解渴,而順利的回到部落,使大地得到永久的平靜。


Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 80cm x 60cm

Year: 2009

Rainbow Pearl 彩虹之珠

Lapis Lazuli beads are the traditional treasure and most well known handicraft of the Pai- wan tribe in Taiwan. This is not only because of the rich striking colours, but also due to the traditional values attached to the art as important family heirlooms. All beads are hand made, and each has its own name and represents a specific mythology. A tear shaped design on the bead can represent the Tears of the Sun, while a multi-coloured cylindrical bead represents the rainbow.

In this painting, the beauty of the Lapis Lazuli highlighted unusually against the back of this modern Paiwan woman brings tradition and modernity together, showing that mythological art can cross into the modern world of fashion and can give meaning for all generations.

琉璃珠藝術,是排灣族最具特色的傳統瑰寶!由於其色澤古拙華美,又兼具豐富的文化意涵,常被族人視 之為傳家之寶。純手工打造的珠子每顆都有ㄧ個名字,且代表著ㄧ個神化故事,多彩的叫彩虹珠,有圓圈 圖形的叫太陽的眼淚。 圖中的女子,以獨特的背部角度去呈現琉璃珠的美, 宜古宜今!將排灣族藝術帶入了現代時尚的領域,更見證了琉璃珠的永恆魅力!

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 80cm x 60cm

Year: 2009

Born of the Sun 太陽之子

Traditionally, the early Ami tribe worshiped the sun as their main god. It was believed that the sun controlled the whole world, and that man was born out of the sun. As a result, in Ami art there is strong use of red colours to represent the sun, and a frequent use of tattoos resembling the sun. Traditionally in all of Taiwan’s aboriginal tribes, the feather was regarded as a representation of the soul. This painting uses the traditional strong red colours to reflect this worship of the sun, and shows the power of the muscled naked torso throwing open his arms as life is given to his body and soul.


Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 80cm x 60cm

Year: 2009

In My Soul 我的靈魂

Facial tattoos and weaving skills are distinctive aspects of the Taya people. In early ages, only the women who could weave and who were chaste were allowed to have a facial tattoo, and this signified that they were ready to marry. Traditionally it is believed that when Taya people die, the tattoo is necessary to allow them to pass over to the afterlife and meet with their ancestors. Traditionally in all of Taiwan’s aboriginal tribes, the feather was regarded as a representation of the soul. Another distinctive aspect of the art of the Taya women involved large piercings of the ears to display traditional earrings, although this practice was purely decorative and did not relate to their religious beliefs. To see these piercings and tattoos on a beautiful modern woman, allows us to see how the traditional ways of the village can be transformed in order to seem to be part of the world of high fashion. The presence of the feather reminds us of the soul still being anchored in the traditional ways.


Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 80cm x 60cm

Year: 2009

Tango Passion - The Red Shoes 熱情探戈~紅色高跟鞋

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 80cm x 60cm

Year: 2009

Tango Passion - In Your Arms 熱情探戈~在你臂彎

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 80cm x 60cm

Year: 2009

Tango Passion - Lead Me 熱情探戈~引領我

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 80cm x 60cm

Year: 2009

The Fish of Women 女人魚

Orchid Island (Lanyu) is a beautiful small island off the coast of Taiwan. The Tao tribe who live on this island have always relied on fish for a livelihood. The annual return of flying fish to the island each Spring is believed to be a gift from the Gods, so these fish are greatly respected in this culture. It is believed that there are special ways that each species of fish should be eaten, with particular differences between men and women. The tougher stronger flavoured flesh is regarded as the Fish of Men, while the softer, more tender and sweeter is called the Fish of Women – and it is believed that this should never be mixed up!

While using a simple naïve style with bright vibrant colours, this painting highlights the tenderness and femininity of the women along with their own species of fish, resulting in a very aboriginal women style of art.

蘭嶼~是個離島的美麗境地,住在島上的達悟族人以捕魚為生,而且相信每年春天定期游來的飛魚,是上帝特別賜給他們的厚禮,因此對魚有相當高的敬意與吃法,而且男女有別!味道重、肉質硬的給男人吃,叫男人魚!質地甜嫩的給女人吃,叫女人魚!ㄧ點都不馬虎! 這幅畫以利落而明艷的彩度去表現,將鮮嫩的魚色與女人的柔美融合起來,很具色彩的渲染力!

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 80cm x 60cm

Year: 2009

Juicy Lucys 多汁露西

Taiwan is well known as the Kingdom of Fruit! Because of the warm climate and the hard work of the farmers, the excellent fruit quality through word-of-mouth has long been renowned both at home and abroad. In this painting, three girls with the prescribed official Taiwanese haircut style from the period after the second world war, are tasting the queen of fruit, the watermelon, grown under the powerful sun and from the rich soil of Taiwan. The seductive colours of the fruit and the enjoyment shown on their faces make it look like the summer will stay much longer!

台灣~素有水果王國的著稱!由於氣候溫暖再加上農夫們的努力,水果的品質及口碑早已是馳名中外! 圖中三位留著髮禁時期的妹妹們,正在陽光下,品嚐這份來自台灣土地生長出來水果皇后~西瓜 誘人的果色、享受的表情,夏天可以久ㄧ點!

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 80cm x 60cm

Year: 2009

Juicy 多汁

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 50cm x 40cm

Year: 2009

Green Light 綠光

Usually at sunset you will see golden reds and oranges. There is a belief that if you see a green light at the very last moment of sunset, you will find true love. I hope all who see this painting find true love soon for themselves if they have not been lucky enough to find it already!

Medium: Ink on Paper

Size: 47cm x 37cm

Year: 2008

Life after the Fire 浴火重生

This Chinese poem describes a strong life force. Although the wild fire has burned the wheat, its seeds will be born again when the spring winds blow. A strong life, even though it seems to have been destroyed, will always manage to stand up again.

Medium: Ink on Paper

Size: 45cm x 15cm

Year: 2008

Rolling Red Dust 滾滾紅塵

The Chinese expression, Rolling Red Dust describes the metaphorical cloud of dust created by an individual during their productive and eventful life. Like the dust behind a galloping horse, a wonderful sight and a sign of an energetic life.

Medium: Ink on Paper

Size: 45cm x 15cm

Year: 2008

Magical Black Coral 黑魅珊瑚

Black coral is found in deep waters in the tropics – a beautiful and increasingly endangered species of coral. It represents yet another piece of beauty that may be lost forever if we do not take care of our world and the other living creatures we share it with.

Medium: Ink on Paper

Size: 47cm x 37cm

Year: 2008

More and More ㄧ朵又ㄧ朵

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 50cm x 40cm

Year: 2008

Rising Up 扶搖直上

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 50cm x 40cm

Year: 2008

Attract Butterflies 引蝶

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 50cm x 40cm

Year: 2008

Happy Together 相悅

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 50cm x 40cm

Year: 2008

Waiting to Open 待放

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 50cm x 40cm

Year: 2008

Always Together 如影隨行

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 50cm x 40cm

Year: 2008

One and a Half ㄧ朵半

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 50cm x 40cm

Year: 2008

Flower Offering 花祭

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 80cm x 80cm

Year: 2008

Laugh Out Loud 開懷

Among all the aboriginal Taiwanese tribes, the Ami tribe is reknowned for their warmth and passion, and knowing how to party! In day to day normal life, when celebrating a wedding or holding a funeral, they use a variety of song and dance. In contrast to the reserved women of many other Asian cultures, Ami women can unreservedly laugh out loud to their hearts content!


Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 80cm x 60cm

Year: 2008

Bursting with Colour 繽紛

The Ami people are known for being passionate, warm and open - as well as being very direct and upfront in their behaviour! This is reflected in the bright, colourful clothing and jewelry that is used in their fashion. In addition to using traditional bright colours, the modern Ami women will also use vividly colourful accessories to match - and will often not be satisfied until their colour coordinations reach spectacular busy combinations - this is all part of the fun of putting on this fashion. The colourful combination of this piece, using yellows, purples, blues and greens, represents the Ami tribe traditional fashion and their confident braveness in using colours.

阿美族是個熱情大方,民族性很鮮明的族群,這可在其服飾搭配用色上表現的淋漓盡致。現代的阿美族婦女們除了沿續傳統的大紅大紫外,在配飾的設計上也極盡所能的五顏六色、琳瑯滿目。有種非得弄到眼花瞭亂才肯罷休的趣味在裡頭! 圖中所呈現的彩度,或黃或紫、是藍又綠,充份的表現出阿美族人那份用色的膽量!

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 80cm x 60cm

Year: 2008

Highland Lily 高原百合

The lily in aboriginal culture is a symbol for the purity and innocence of young women, and often appears in the Paiwan and Lukai tribal fashion, artwork and traditional songs. This piece uses clean cut, bold colours, highlighting the contrasts between light and darkness. The eyes of the subject reflect the character of the highland lily - strong yet beautiful.

百合花~是原住民對純潔女子的禮讚及形像的表徵。常見於排灣族及魯凱族的服飾、藝術作品和傳統歌謠中。這張畫作以俐落的手法去描繪,色調深淺分明。 圖中女子的眼神,像極了開在高原不畏風寒的野百合一般,堅毅而美麗

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 80cm x 60cm

Year: 2008

Son of the Ocean 海洋之子

Taiwan is an island and surrounded by the ocean. The location of each of the separate Ami groups determines their way of life, and the traditional foods relied upon. The Ami people that live on the east coast of Taiwan depend mainly on their fishing skills - surviving traditionally on a wide variety of food from the ocean. This piece uses the naked back of the warrior as a canvas to display the beauty of the ocean's blue - the gradations of light and dark colours hinting at the depth of the ocean below. The clear cold light creates a strong visual impact. With the use of a feather from a seabird, this is an eye catching and creative piece.

台灣是個環海的島國,靠海的東岸海線阿美族族群,多以打漁為主體活動,即所謂的靠海吃海!因此打漁的技能對阿美族男子來說是極為重要的! 這幅以背部肌肉為畫布,表現海洋藍色漸層的美感畫作,很具有冷光前衛的視覺張力!此外以真羽毛坎入畫布與主題巧妙結合的手法,很引人側目,是張極具原創性的作品!

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 80cm x 60cm

Year: 2008

The Warrior 勇士

To be a real Ami tribe warrior is not easy! Besides being strong physically, traditionally he must also be expert in singing, dancing, fishing and hunting, as these are the criteria sought for by women when choosing their partner. Since it is a female dominant tribe, all these criteria must be fulfilled. That's why young men are traditionally required to be sent to training camps where they learn to be a true warrior - in order to invest in their prospect of a happy life! This piece, with the subject's arms crossed and his thumb pointing up - it looks like he might be about to announce that he is ready - very interesting!

要成為真正的阿美族勇士很不簡單! 除了體能要強之外,還要能歌善舞.打獵捕魚…….

因為這是母系社會的阿美族女性擇偶的必備條件,缺一不可! 因此男子們在少年時就會被送到集會所接受嚴格的戰技訓練及漁獵技能,以符合族人的需求並提高自己的幸福指數。 這張雙手交臂並以大姆指示意的畫中男子彷彿在宣告"我已經準備好了"的姿態,很有意思!

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 80cm x 60cm

Year: 2008

Daughter of the Sun 太陽的女兒

The way women are regarded and treated in Ami culture is quite special, and can be comparable to women's rights in modern European feminism. Traditional Ami tribes are female dominant, with family hierarchy and inheritance centered around the women. Men are married into the woman's family in contrast to the opposite in other tribes, and Ami women have the absolute right to choose their future. Don't you think that is cool? The eyes and pose of the subject in this piece represent the status and power of women in Ami society. The gold plates represent the sun.

提到阿美族人的女性觀點,真的可以媲美歐洲先進國家對女權運動的重視!傳統的阿美族是母系社會,家族產業之繼承及事物皆以女性為中心,甚至婚嫁都由女方主導入贅,別於其它的族群,阿美族的女性可是有絕對的權力去選擇自己的幸福,酷吧! 這張畫作用眼神及手姿來表現阿美族女性的地位及權力, 頭上的金片寓指太陽,是個極具意涵的畫作!

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 80cm x 60cm

Year: 2008

Preening 梳妝

The most attractive and important part of the Ami women's fashion is the head dress. It is the most important tool - or weapon - for women during the harvest festival. In order to defeat the competition and win the heart of the strongest warrior from the village, this head dress is key. Preparation and the wearing of the head dress cannot be taken lightly - when the women are dancing energetically they must balance this head gear, while all the time looking relaxed and without showing any feeling of unease or tension! The subject in this piece, smiling gently, uses her fingers delicately to carefully prepare her head dress, showing her hope for happiness.

頭飾~是阿美族女人服飾中最耀眼也是在整裝時最重要的一環,因為她將是在豐年祭派對中最致命的祕密武器,要想打敗村裡的其他姑娘並引起男子們的青睞就全靠頭上那頂了!因為女子們在舞動曼姿時的一搖一擺,身體能否平衡的住頭冠而不顯得神情緊崩,打理頭冠時的準備功夫可就馬虎不得了。 這幅帶著淺笑,以手指小心翼翼整裝的姑娘,充份表現出那份對幸福的期待。

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 80cm x 60cm

Year: 2008

Evening Banquet 夜宴

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 70cm x 60cm

Year: 2008

Champagne 香檳

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 80cm x 60cm

Year: 2008

Red Rose 紅情玫瑰

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 80cm x 60cm

Year: 2008

Homage to Tamara 裸女圖 1號作品

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 120cm x 100cm

Year: 2008

Sunny 婷婷玉立

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 120cm x 100cm

Year: 2008

Charlie Brown 查禮布朗爵士

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 40cm x 30cm

Year: 2008

Full Blossom 盛開

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 70cm x 60cm

Year: 2008

Spring 春天

Medium: Mixed Media on Paper

Size: 76cm x 30cm

Year: 2008

Red Lobster 霞紅

Medium: Ink on Paper

Size: 45cm x 15cm

Year: 2008

Nine 九個太陽

Medium: Ink on Paper

Size: 45cm x 15cm

Year: 2008

Cross Over 跨越

Medium: Acrylic & Ink on Paper

Size: 175cm x 75cm

Year: 2008

Purple Cat 紫貓

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 75cm x 60cm

Year: 2008

Blowing in the Wind 迎風搖曳

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 70cm x 60cm

Year: 2008

Seduction 花姿招展

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 70cm x 60cm

Year: 2008

Shanghai Night 夜上海

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 70cm x 60cm

Year: 2008

Dance With Me 與我共舞

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 70cm x 60cm

Year: 2008

Just One Bite 只咬ㄧ口!

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 70cm x 60cm

Year: 2008

Forbidden Fruit 禁果

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 70cm x 60cm

Year: 2008

No Comparison 誰與爭峰

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 70cm x 60cm

Year: 2008

And The Winner Is..... 得獎的是~

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 70cm x 60cm

Year: 2008

Night Rose 夜玫瑰

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 70cm x 60cm

Year: 2008

Wild Fire 野火

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 70cm x 60cm

Year: 2008

Wanted - Good Home! 放電

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 70cm x 60cm

Year: 2008

Full Bloom 怒放

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 70cm x 60cm

Year: 2008

See Ewe Jimmy 怩帽

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 80cm x 60cm

Year: 2008

Love Me Love Me 愛我愛我

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 90cm x 40cm

Year: 2007

Red (diptych) 紅

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 70cm x 60cm

Year: 2007

Palm Trees (diptych) 棕梠

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 70cm x 60cm

Year: 2007

Freeze Sister! 修女 別動 !

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 70cm x 60cm

Year: 2007

The Power of Music 音樂的力量

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 70cm x 60cm

Year: 2007

Smoking Fine 吸煙區

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 70cm x 60cm

Year: 2007

Wild Beauty 野花才香

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 70cm x 60cm

Year: 2007

Punk Rooster 龐克公雞

Medium: Acrylic on Box Canvas

Size: 40cm x 30cm

Year: 2007

Dancing Cockerel 跳舞的公雞

Medium: Acrylic on Box Canvas

Size: 40cm x 30cm

Year: 2007

Red Cat 紅貓

Medium: Acrylic on Box Canvas

Size: 40cm x 30cm

Year: 2007

High Sky and Wide Earth 天高地闊

Medium: Acrylic on Box Canvas

Size: 80cm x 60cm

Year: 2007

Misty Edinburgh 花非花

Medium: Acrylic on Box Canvas

Size: 50cm x 50cm

Year: 2007

Fruit and Parrot 水果與鸚鵡

Medium: Acrylic on Box Canvas

Size: 50cm x 50cm

Year: 2007

Red Elephant 紅象

Medium: Acrylic on Box Canvas

Size: 20cm x 25cm

Year: 2007

White Elephant 白象

Medium: Acrylic on Box Canvas

Size: 40cm x 30cm

Year: 2007

Bird of Happiness 幸福鳥

Medium: Acrylic on Box Canvas

Size: 70cm x 60cm

Year: 2007

Mermaid with Guitar 人魚與吉他

Medium: Acrylic on Box Canvas

Size: 80cm x 50cm

Year: 2007

Kung Fu Dance 舞功

Medium: Acrylic on Box Canvas

Size: 60cm x 46cm

Year: 2007

Green Bowl 綠玻

Medium: Acrylic on Box Canvas

Size: 60cm x 46cm

Year: 2007

Cockerel in the Morning 早起的公雞

Medium: Acrylic on Box Canvas

Size: 70cm x 50cm

Year: 2007

Cat Sunbathing 浴光 貓

Medium: Acrylic on Box Canvas

Size: 70cm x 60cm

Year: 2006

Over the Rainbow 彩虹的另ㄧ端

Medium: Acrylic on Box Canvas

Size: 80cm x 60cm

Year: 2007

Passion of the Sun 熱情的太陽

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 140cm x 100cm

Year: 2007

Moon Rise 月光 

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 100cm x 80cm

Year: 2007

Wings of Love 愛的羽翼

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 100cm x 80cm

Year: 2007

Modern Dance 現代舞孃

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 40cm x 30cm

Year: 2007

Love Is Everything 愛是ㄧ切

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 70cm x 50cm

Year: 2007

Deep Blue (pair) 深藍

Medium: Acrylic on Box Canvas

Size: 50cm x 20cm

Year: 2006

Ancient Rhythm 太古舞踏

Medium: Acrylic on Box Canvas

Size: 45cm x 35cm

Year: 2006

The First Drop 第一滴  

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 80cm x 40cm

Year: 2006

If I Had Wings 如果我有翅膀

Medium: Acrylic on Box Canvas

Size: 80cm x 60cm

Year: 2006

A Prayer 祈禱

Medium: Acrylic on Box Canvas

Size: 80cm x 60cm

Year: 2006

Focus On You 專注於你 

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 80cm x 60cm

Year: 2006

Lilies (pair) 海芋

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas (pair)

Size: 80cm x 30cm

Year: 2006

Iris 鳶尾花

Medium: Acrylic on Box Canvas

Size: 40cm x 40cm

Year: 2006

Pink Rose 粉紅薔薇

Medium: Acrylic on Box Canvas

Size: 70cm x 50cm

Year: 2006

Plum Blossom (pair) 梅花

Medium: Acrylic on Box Canvas (Pair)

Size: 30cm x 25cm

Year: 2006


Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 40cm x 35cm

Year: 2006

Red Hibiscus 紅色扶桑花

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 40cm x 30cm

Year: 2006

Chinese Opera Diva 京劇女伶

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 40cm x 35cm

Year: 2006

Kiss You Every Day 吻你每ㄧ天

My first painting ever sold!!!

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 30cm x 23cm

Year: 2006